Myles Traveled is a great story. It’s an inspirational story. It’s the American Dream.”

— JIM LACHEY OSU All-American

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It was a small, but enthusiastic, and appreciative, crowd at the Bluffton, Ohio Community Library reading and discussion of Myles Traveled last Thursday evening.  That’s okay… it made the setting all the more intimate and I love to talk about Coach Myles, and the back story of how the book came about.  Better yet, by Friday morning I received some orders from people who had talked to folks who were at the reading Thursday night, and had seen and heard about the book.  Below is a picture of yours truly reading a passage on  Coach Hayes :

Bluffton library 1


Myles Traveled Book Cover

Available now from

Barnhardt & Ashe Publishing, Inc.

(Click link above and scroll down to the “purchase now" button on the publishers website.)